LAMA Empowerz is IBM Businesspartner

World Class Epic Technology

Making the impossible possible

Bringing the best technology, the best people and the best know-how together. That is what we do. LAMA Empowerz consultants have extensive IBM experience, are constantly trained in the latest techniques, are IBM certified and have hands-on domain knowledge of business processes.

Bijzonder partnerschap tussen IBM en LAMA


Years of intensive cooperation


Our partnership can handle any business case


We help to make practical and realistic steps


We make the impossible possible

LAMA is an IBM Gold Partner and supports from A to Z

Powerful partnership with IBM

IBM is a true world leader in technology. IBM has been awarded over 140,000 patents and in 2019, more than 8,500 IBM inventors were awarded with a record of nearly 10,000 patents.

IBM is simply the most innovative tech company in the world. We are proud of our partnership.

What can we do for you?


Thanks to this partnership, the latest innovations can be integrated into your business processes as they’re released. As IBM’s business partner, LAMA Empowerz has vast domain knowledge. We put this knowledge to work for you, every day. That’s what LAMA Empowerz does.

Together with you, we will constantly evaluate which technologies will make your business processes better and more efficient.


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Are you looking for a good partner in the field of asset management software?

We are always ready and have the knowledge and experience to help you.

Want to learn more? Please contact us at +31 (0)800-2588555 or


Provincie Overijssel